VU MKT501 GDB 1 Autumn Solution 2020-Marketing Management

#MKT501, MKT501 GDB 1 Solution Autumn 2020, Marketing Management
The complete solution of the first GDB of MKT501 related to Autumn semester 2020 (Marketing Management) has been described in this article.

Subject Name:     Marketing Management

Code: MKT501

Total Marks: 5

Starting Date: 20 November 2020 (Friday)

Closing Date: 26 November 2020 (Thursday)

Question Title: Marketing Orientation-Marketing Philosophies

Weightage: 3

GDB# 01

Learning Objectives

The objective of this discussion is to make the students able to understand the concept of Marketing Orientation and marketing philosophies therein.

Learning Outcomes

The objective of this discussion is to make the students able to understand the concept of Marketing Orientation and marketing philosophies therein.


Suppose there are five different companies operating in an industry, company A, B, C, D and E. Company A for its customers focuses on products that are widely available and are inexpensive. Company B follows the approach focusing on the product, which offers the most quality performance and innovative features. Thus, its attention is towards making products more superior with continuous improvement. The emphasis of Company C is on aggressive selling and high promotional backup. Company D believes in the concept that holds that the key to organizational goals consist of the company being more effective than competitors in creating, delivering, and communicating consumer value to the chosen target, whereas Company E emphasizes the wellbeing of the consumer and the overall wellbeing of society.


Consider the scenario provided above very carefully and specify/mention the marketing philosophy/concept that is followed by each of the mentioned companies that is Company A, B, C, D, and E.

(Marks 1X5: Provide the solution in the following format.)


Company A

Company B

Company C

Company D

Company E


Company A:    The Production Concept or Philosophy

Company B:    The Product Concept

Company C:    The Selling concept/Philosophy

Company D:   The Marketing concept/Philosophy

Company E:    The Societal Concept/Philosophy



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