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ECO404 (Managerial Economics) Assignment No 2 Solution semester fall 2020 has been explained in this paper in an easy to understand way for assisting readers. |
The Case:
Monopoly is a market structure in which a single firm is the sole producer of a good for which no close substitutes are available in the market. Monopoly exists when an individual producer has the ability to set market prices. Monopoly firms are price makers not price takers. WAPDA may be considered a monopoly in generating and providing electricity all over Pakistan. It was established through an Act of Parliament in 1958. It is an autonomous and statutory body under the administrative control of the Federal Government. It is working hard to harness water and hydropower resources in the country. The idea is to generate affordable, clean electricity, which will provide relief to the consumers by bringing down the power tariff. Suppose a hypothetical study was conducted on WAPDA by an economist who revealed the following total revenue and total cost functions.
TR = 100Q - 0.0005QA^2
TC = 450,285 + 10Q + 0.0004Q^2
Being a student of managerial economics, carefully analyze the total revenue and total cost functions and find out the:
a) Optimal level of output by using marginal revenue and marginal cost approach.
b) Maximum economic profit at this optimal level of output. (Marks: 5+5)
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