Covid-19 test kits –100,000 Mossad Brought in country

Covid-19 test kits, coronavirus test kits
covid-19 Test kits used by Magen David Adom ambulance worker arrived to test the symptoms of coronavirurs for a patient-17 March 2020

Spy agency of Israeli Mossad has announced on Wednesday night that 100,100 covid-19 test kits have been flown inside the country to fight with novel coronavirus infected increasing number. But the kits are not effective as some equipment’s are missing.

According to Channel 12 news, The Mossad had a plan to bringin more 4 million covid-19 test kits  in near future, first time reported on Thursday morning on operation.

The same report has been confirmed by the Health Ministry directorate general Moshe Bar Siman saying Kan Sate broadcaster on Thursday, “we need to check if the covid-19 test kits Mossad brought are valid and usable.”

“We are using all human resources available in the country to cope the pandemic outbreaks, he said, while speaking to multi-agency efforts to stop the spread of novel coronavirus.

Unfortunately what has arrived at the moment (covid-19 test kits) is not exactly what we are missing. Meaning there are various components in the kits and [what we got] is not we are missing our problem is we’re missing swabs,” Said Itamar Grotto, Associate Director General at Israel Ministry of Health.

In Response, Mossad officials said, “Mossad brought what it was asked. Mossad will clarify the need with the Health Ministry. The clandestine channel is open and will continue to be used to bring in what is needed.”

Israel is trying to accelerate the pace of test which was 500 to 700 daily early Tuesday and this weak the quoted figure is 10,000 only. Recent number of test has increased to some 2,200 and while government has plan to take this figure up to 3,000, and later to reach 5000, a potential figure.

The channel 12 did not give any hint about the source of kits, and why government had involved Secret Agency in collecting test kits, and, is nature of the involvement is diplomatic?

The Israeli’s government is using all its arms of security establishment to tackle recent pandemic disease-Covid 19.

Shin Bet, Israeli’s internal security agency, overseeing the a new controversial tracking program approved by the Cabinet retracing the movements of virus spread through cell phones, to facilitate  identifying  patients  and put them into quarantine cell as they came into contact with.

Further, the agency providing cyber experts Health Ministry that helps in engineering software for the government’s efforts to handle coronavirus threat. But again detail were not disclose.

IDF, Israeli Defense Force, has start participating in government efforts to curb coronavirus outbreaks, by setting up makeshifts hospitals, and mobilizes its logistic capabilities and facilities.
Israel has stepped into the action of partial lockdown by restricting economic system, and encouraging people to stay at home unless there is a need to purchase the necessity stuff, and other urgent affairs.

The opening of The Magen David Adom ambulance service, a Drive through testing station in Tel Aviv, due on Wednesday had post pond due to the shortage of testing kits and swabs, report by channel 13. The available covid-19 test kits are not enough for a single day, the channel said.

Soon several same stations will be set to open in major cities in coming days.
Rambam Medical Center and Technion University in Haifa announced that they have more efficient and faster technique to test the people for covid-19, by pooling samples.

As on Thursday, The confirmed sick people figure was stood at 433, which was raised to 833 numbers reported on Saturday Mornings by Health Ministry, an increase of 400.

The prompt jump in virus diagnosed patient is partly attributed to increase in number of testing stations across the country by using covid-19 test kits and other tools as well.

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