
 EDU431 Assignment 2 Solution 2020-Spring Semester-VU-Test Development and Evaluation

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Develop Five Extended response questions keeping in view the guideline for developing these questions.           


You have to select any one subject of elementary/secondary level to answer question 1. Mention the subject and topic you have selected in the start of your answer.

Guidelines for Constructing Restricted Response Essay type Items

1.      The statement should not be quoted directly from the text.

2.      Frame questions so that the examinee’s task is explicitly defined.

3.      Specify a value and an approximate time limit for each question

4.      Prepare Tentative Scoring Key in advance considering examinee responses.


Enlist Five Issues in test administration. Define each issue and its coping strategy as a test administrator.  


Secondary Level

Subject: English

Five Extended Response Questions

       I.        Who was Allama Muhammad Iqbal?

    II.           Write down his contribution in the struggle of freedom of independence of Pakistan?

 III.            Was his addressing in Allah Abad was the foundation for the independence movement?

 IV.            Was he chairman of the Muslim League?

    V.          Was he convinced Muhammad Ali Jinan to come back subcontinent and lead the freedom movement?

 VI.            Highlight his efforts to inculcate the sense of freedom among the Muslims of the subcontinent?

Note or Instructions

1.      Your response should not exceed 1000 words.

2.      Negative marking is applicable in case of grammar mistakes 1 marks will be deducted, spelling mistakes will lead to a deduction of 0.5.

3.      Time limit: 45 minutes

1.      Question statement should be out of text

This guideline means do not copy the statement as it is from the text. You should use the concept of rephrasing to make up question statements.

2.      Defining Tasks Explicitly

The extended response question has successfully define all five tasks explicitly.

The first part of the question is revolving around the personality of Allam Muhammad Iqbal. This phase of question allows us to analyze the knowledge and ability of students highlighting different aspects of the Allama Muhammad Iqbal.

3.      Time allocation         

45 minutes has been allowed to respond to this question.

4.      Use of Tentative Scoring Concept  

Rule of tentative scoring has been used in two versions: 1 mark deduction on grammar mistake, and 0.5 marks on spelling mistake.


Enlist five issues in test administration. Define each issue and its coping strategy as a test administrator.


1.      Cheating

Using unfair means to represent your answer including copying materials from other students, hiding written materials etc

Coping strategy

1.      Develop the positive and healthy attitude among students that discourage the cheating behavior

2.      There should be penalties for conducting cheating.

3.      Minimizing distractions

4.      Check their answer copies


2.      Poor Testing Conditions

Test Administration is severely ruined if test conditions are poor. Poor test conditions may include provided incomplete test materials, provided materials are not sufficient, provided materials are irrelevant, attendance sheets are incorrect, etc.

Counter or coping Strategy

1.      Make sure the availability of accurate materials

2.      Attendance sheets and students forms are correct

3.      Make sure the availability of relevant materials

4.      Providing sufficient time to organize everything in examination rooms

5.      Be focus, attentive, and avoid distraction arises from students

3.      Test Anxiety

Test anxiety refers to a mental state of over distress that hits his/her performance in the exam or test badly. Over distress mean excessive nervousness regarding the exam or test.

 Counter or coping Strategy

1.      Take deep breaths

2.      Get enough sleep

3.      Make sure you are prepared

4.      Energize yourself by eating a healthy breakfast.


4.      Errors in Test Scoring Procedures

The presence of errors in test scoring procedure will lead to poor planning of curriculum and instructions. Underestimate or overestimates are the two consequences of poor test scoring procedures which fail to achieve important purposes including evaluating student’s knowledge and skill.

Counter or coping Strategy

1.      Identify loose pools in the testing scoring procedure. These loose pools may be related to the design of test scoring procedures or implementation. There is a need to re-evaluate both phases deeply for multiple times to get the set goals of accuracy.


5.      Reduce Communication Gap

Another major issue is the communication gap between planners and test administrators. Delay in modification will result in poor performance of the test administered. Printing issues in answers sheet or question paper highlighted and send for correction to concern department, but the delay from the other side will appear in poor performance.

Coping Strategy

Take immediate measures to remove the communication gap between test administrators and concerned departments to enhance the performance of test administration.

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